Dental Radiology

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Dental Radiology

Dentistry has significantly advanced in recent times, particularly in the field of dental radiology, thanks to cutting-edge technology. Modern dental radiology now employs digital methods for taking patient radiographs. Dental RVG X-rays and panoramic X-rays are the two key innovations that have greatly improved diagnostic capabilities in dentistry.

Digital RVG X-rays

Digital radiography is an advanced form of X-ray imaging where digital sensors replace traditional photographic film. This method offers several benefits, including time efficiency by eliminating chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Additionally, digital radiography uses less radiation while producing images with similar contrast to traditional methods.

Radiovisiography (RVG) X-rays have become increasingly popular in recent years. At Dr. Romil Singhai’s Clinic, we use dental RVG X-rays to0 capture quick and precise images, which are essential for speeding up dental treatments, especially those involving internal structures

One major advantage of dental RVG X-rays is that they eliminate the need for films that must be held by hand. Instead, X-rays are taken digitally and viewed directly on a computer. This allows patients to see the condition of their teeth alongside the dentist, improving transparency in the treatment process and fostering better patient cooperation.


Digital Panoramic X-Ray

An Orthopantomogram (OPG), also known as a “panorex,” is a panoramic dental X-ray that captures a two-dimensional image of the upper and lower jaws. This comprehensive view allows for a clear assessment of the teeth and surrounding structures, aiding in accurate diagnosis.

This modern dental radiography technique benefits both dentists and patients by significantly reducing the time required for imaging. It is particularly useful in detecting cysts or tumors in the teeth or jaws, allowing for prompt diagnosis and treatment. The ease of taking radiographs with the OPG machine has also led to increased patient cooperation. Additionally, dental panoramic X-rays expose patients to 30-40% less radiation compared to traditional X-ray methods, making it a preferred choice over taking multiple individual radiographs.


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